6 Best Foods for Glowing Skin
Posted by heyhoneyskincare on
Hey Honey! A moment. That’s all you need to choose foods that are beneficial to your skin! Of course good nutrition affects your health and weight, but it can play a huge role on the health and look of your skin as well. Good skincare products and a good skincare diet go hand in hand for achieving that radiant look.
- Honey – Contains antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties. Perfect for treating acne and skin inflammations. (Tip: use it to sweeten your green tea or drizzle over berries to kill two birds with one stone!)
- Tomatoes – The Lycopene in tomatoes and tomato based products is known to lower acne-promoting hormones. This may also defend skin from UV rays by improving the skin’s antioxidant status. The antioxidants produced combat the free radicals produced from excessive sun exposure. Tomato based foods should be included in your diet 3-5 times a week.
- Green Tea – Also fights acne by lowering the acne-producing hormone DHT. The antioxidants in this tea help your skin look healthier and younger. Three to five cups of green tea are recommended a day.
- Berries – These antioxidants help the body fight blemishes, deep colored berries such as cherries and blueberries have the highest source.
- Fish and Seafood – Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to slow down the wrinkling process. Omega-3 lowers the production of inflammatory chemicals that cause wrinkles to develop. Four to five servings are recommended a week, but taking fish oil supplements can be a helpful alternative.
- Brown Rice – Ceramides help skin maintain moisture. Ceramides are found in many skincare products but the ceramides you eat significantly improve the hydration of the skin.
Remember–your skincare routine starts in the grocery store, honey!
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
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